
Building Services Standards and Neighbourhood Committee (BSNSC) Meeting - June 3, 2014

Tuesday, June 3, 2014
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Ground Floor Boardroom
931 Yonge Street, Toronto

Event description

Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.

Public Agenda

1. Approval of Public Meeting Agenda and Review of Agenda Order 

Action: Approval

Pre-read: Agenda

Presenter: Chair

2. Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest

Action: Declaration


  • Agenda
  • Conflict of Interest Policy

Presenter: Chair

3. Confirmation of the Public Meeting Minutes of March 28, 2014

Action: Approval

Pre-read: Agenda

Presenter: Chair

4. Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update

Action: Discussion

Pre-read: Action Item List

Presenter: Chair

Reports from Management

5. Development of a Waste Diversion Program 

Action: Approval

Pre-read: BSNSC:2014-04

Presenter: VP, Facilities Management


Public Meeting Minutes

The Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee (“BSNSC”) of Toronto Community Housing Corporation (“TCHC”) held a public meeting on June 3, 2014, in the Main Floor Conference Room, 931 Yonge Street, Toronto, M4W 2H2 commencing at 9:07 a.m.

Committee Directors present:

Councillor Cesar Palacio, Chair

Councillor Frances Nunziata

Catherine Wilkinson

Committee Directors Absent:

Christian Buhagiar

Also present:

Marta Asturi, Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary

Lenna Bradburn, Vice President, Resident Community Services

Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations 

Graham Leah, Vice President, Asset Management

Sheila Penny, Vice President, Facilities Management

Greg Spearn, President and Chief Executive Officer (Interim) / Chief Development Officer 

Pamela Spencer, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary / Interim Vice President Human Resources 

A quorum being present, Councillor Cesar Palacio, the BSNSC Chair, called the meeting to order and Ms. Mirela Bolentiru served as recording secretary.

Item 1 - Approval of Agenda

Motion Carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Cesar Palacio and carried, the BSNSC approved the agenda as circulated, subject to the addition of a new public agenda Item 6 “2014 BSNSC Work Plan.”

Item 2 - Declaration of Conflict of Interest

The BSNSC Chair requested members of the BSNSC to indicate any agenda item in which they had a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. None were declared


The BSNSC Chair polled for any deputations to be heard at the meeting and explained the deputation process. The Chair noted that no written requests for a verbal deputation were received prior to the meeting and no requests for a verbal deputation were provided at the meeting.

Item 3 - Confirmation of BSNSC Public Minutes – March 28, 2014

The BSNSC had before it the draft minutes for the March 28, 2014 public meeting.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Cesar Palacio and carried, the BSNSC unanimously confirmed the above-captioned public minutes of March 28, 2014 as presented.

Item 4 - Business Arising from the Minutes and Committee Action Items Update

The Building Standards and Neighbourhood Safety Committee had before it the above-captioned report.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Cesar Palacio and carried, the BSNSC received the report for information.

Item 5 - Development of a Waste Diversion Program, BSNSC:2014-04

The BSNSC had before it the above-captioned report (BSNSC:2014-04) from the Interim President and Chief Executive Officer.

Management presented the report and a discussion ensued, including the following salient points:

  • In 2010, TCHC implemented a Compactor Upgrade Program, which has reduced City waste management fees based on the volume of waste hauled. Under the program, equipment and infrastructure were put in place in high-rise buildings to compact waste.
  • Organics collection has also been available to a few communities, but it has not been successful. A strong partnership and on-going resident waste education in place are needed for a successful initiative.
  • Management will present a plan to the BSNSC based on the findings of the long-term waste management study. The plan will include a long-term waste program and strategy and disposables available in the TCHC communities.
  • The BSNSC requested Management to report back on an implantation work plan, budget and responsibilities assigned with respect to the $750,000 grant funds.
  • The BSNSC noted that this is a good initiative where TCHC is collaborating with the Waste Management Division of the City of Toronto. 

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Cesar Palacio, seconded by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson and carried, the BSNSC approved the report as amended and resolved to:

  • grant authority to enter into an agreement with the City of Toronto to receive $750,000 to develop a Waste Diversion Program and undertake a long-term waste management study in conjunction with the City of Toronto Waste Management Division; and
  • authorize the appropriate staff to take the necessary actions to give effect to the above recommendation.

Councillor Francis Nunziata joined the meeting at 9:37 a.m.

New Item 6 - 2014 BSNSC Work Plan, Verbal

The BSNSC discussed its work plan and Management’s reports to meet the deliverables in the work plan, including the status on quarterly reports with respect to safety, clean buildings, community partnerships, pest management, and green/gardening initiatives.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Frances Nunziata and carried, the BSNSC received the report for information.


ON MOTION DULY MADE by Ms. Catherine Wilkinson, seconded by 
Councillor Francis Nunziata and carried, the BSNSC resolved to terminate the public meeting at 9:53 a.m.

Public Meeting Minutes

Sonia Fung

Committee Secretary