
Board of Directors Meeting - June 27, 2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019
8:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Ground floor boardroom
931 Yonge Street

Event description

This meeting is archived. See agenda and minutes below.


1. Chair's Remarks

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal report 5 minutes

Presenter: Chair

2. Consent Agenda

Action: -

Pre-read: -

Presenter: -

2a. Approval of Public Meeting Agenda

Action: Approval

Pre-read: Agenda

Presenter: Chair

2b. Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest

Action: Declaration

Pre-read: Agenda and Conflict of Interest Policy

Presenter: Chair

2c. Confirmation of Board of Directors’ Public Meeting Minutes of April 29, 2019

Action: Approval

Pre-read: Minutes

Presenter: Chair

2d. Business Arising from the Public Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update of April 29, 2019

Action: Information

Pre-read: Action item list

Presenter: Chair

2e. Q1 2019 – Revenue Contracts

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2019-20

Presenter: Interim General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

2f. OCHE 2018 Work Plan Performance Results

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2019-21

Presenter: Commissioner of Housing Equity

2g. Q1 2019 OCHE Quarterly Update

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2019-22

Presenter: Commissioner of Housing Equity

2h. Tenant Survey

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2019-24

Presenter: TSC Chair

2i. Review of PAC Charter

Action: Approval

Pre-read: TCHC:2019-19R

Presenter: Interim General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

3. President and Chief Executive Officer’s Remarks

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report 5 minutes

Presenter: President and Chief Executive Officer

3a. April and May 2019 Performance Report- CEO’s Business Plan Update

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2019-25 15 minutes

Presenter: President and Chief Executive Officer

3b. April and May 2019 Performance Report: CEO’s Operational Performance Measures

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2019-26 15 minutes

Presenter: President and Chief Executive Officer

4. GCHRC Chair’s Report

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report 5 minutes

Presenter: GCHRC Chair

5. TSC Chair’s Report

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report 5 minutes

Presenter: TSC Chair

5a. Tenant Engagement System – Refresh Approval

Action: Approval

Pre-read: TCHC:2019-15 45 minutes

Presenter: Acting Vice President, Tenant & Community Services

6. BIFAC Chair’s Report

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report 5 minutes

Presenter: BIFAC Chair



The Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (“TCHC”) held a public meeting on June 27, 2019 at 10:34 a.m. in in the Main Floor Conference Room at 931 Yonge Street, Toronto and via teleconference.

Directors in Attendance:

Tim Murphy (Chair)

Councillor Ana Bailão John Campbell

Amanda Coombs (via teleconference)

Ubah Farah

Councillor Paula Fletcher (left at 12:30 p.m.)

Adele Imrie Linda Jackson (left at 11:45 a.m.)

Nick Macrae

Brian Smith

Directors Absent:

Debbie Douglas

Councillor Michael Ford

Management present:

William Anderson, Senior Director, Community Safety Unit

Luisa Andrews, Vice President, Information Technology Services

Cathy Barker, Vice President, Human Resources

Rose-Ann Lee, Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer

Hugh Lawson, iHMS Business Lead, ITS - iHMS

Graham Leah, Vice President, Asset Management

Bruce Malloch, Director, Strategic Communications

Kevin Marshman, President & Chief Executive Officer

Darragh Meagher, Interim General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

William Mendes, Acting Vice President, Tenant & Community Services

Allen Murray, Senior Director, Operations

Vincent Tong, Chief Development Officer

Lindsay Veits, Manager, Strategic Planning

A quorum being present, Mr. Murphy, the Chair called the meeting to order and Ms. Zina served as recording secretary.

Item 1 – Chair’s Remarks

The new Chair welcomed everyone to the Board meeting and noted the Acknowledgement of the Land. The Chair provided the Board with the following highlights since the last Board meeting.

New Board Members and Committee Chairs

The Chair welcomed TCHC’s newest Board members, Mr. John Campbell and Ms. Adele Imrie who joined the Board in May 2019.

The Chair confirmed new appointments to Board committees: Ms. Imrie will serve as chair of the Building Investment, Finance and Audit Committee, and as a member of the Investment Advisory Committee. Mr. Campbell will serve as a member of the Tenant Services Committee and of the Governance, Communications and Human Resources Committee. Additionally, Mr. Brian Smith has been appointed to serve as chair of the Governance, Communications and Human Resources Committee.

Tenants First

During the confidential session the Board was provided with an update relating to the latest Tenants First report. The report was made public earlier today and it contains a set of recommendations that will drive major changes at TCHC. The key recommendations form City staff include the creation of a new Seniors Housing Corporation to manage and operate TCHC’s portfolio of 83 seniors-designated buildings, and the transfer of TCHC’s real estate development functions to the city’s real estate agency, CreateTO

The City’s Executive Committee will consider the report on July 4, and pending decisions made at Executive Committee, the report will be considered by City Council at its meeting on July 16 and 17. The recommendations must be approved by City Council before any changes can be implemented.

Tenants First is the City’s multi-year process for making transformative changes to improve TCHC and strengthen Toronto’s non-profit housing sector.

TCHC’s current focus on improving housing, service delivery and access to supports for vulnerable tenants is consistent with the City’s overall goals for Tenants First. If City Council approves the latest recommendations, the changes will keep TCHC on a path to becoming a better landlord, with a focused mandate, a smaller portfolio, a more tenant-focused service delivery model and sustainable funding.

Report on the confidential session

There were several items approved which include the following:

  • Complaint Policy Update;
  • Vacancy Management and creation of Special Vacancy Subcommittee which will meet in July for the first time;
  • Regent Park Phase 3 Site Servicing Request for Additional Spending Authority; and
  • Bill 66 – Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act.


The Chair polled for any deputations to be heard at the meeting. The following deputations were presented:

  • Item 2F – OCHE 2018 Work Plan Performance Results (Deputed by Catherine Wilkinson and Cheryl Duggan);
  • Item 2G – Q1 2019 OCHE Quarterly Update (Deputed by Catherine Wilkinson);
  • Item 2H – Tenant Survey (Deputed by Catherine Wilkinson and Cheryl Duggan);
  • Item 2I – Review of PAC Charter (Deputed by Cheryl Duggan);
  • Item 3A – April and May 2019 Performance Report – CEO’s Business Plan Update (Deputed by Dena Rojas, Miguel Avila, Cheryl Duggan and Shukri Abdul); and
  • Item 3B – April and May 2019 Performance Report – CEO’s Operational Performance Measures (Deputed by Catherine Wilkinson and Cheryl Duggan).

Consent Agenda Items

Item 2 – Approval of Consent Agenda Items

The following items were not held for discussion:

  • Item 2A – Approval of Public Meeting Agenda;
  • Item 2B – Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest;
  • Item 2C – Confirmation of Board of Directors’ Public Meeting Minutes of April 29, 2019;
  • Item 2E – Q1 2019 – Revenue Contracts; and
  • Item 2I – Review of PAC Charter.

The following items were held for discussion:

  • Item 2D – Business Arising from Public Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update of April 29, 2019;
  • Item 2F – OCHE 2018 Work Plan Performance Results;
  • Item 2G – Q1 2019 OCHE Quarterly Update; and
  • Item 2H – Tenant Survey.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board approved the following consent agenda items: Items 2A, 2B, 2C, 2E and 2I.

Item 2A – Approval of Public Meeting Agenda

The agenda was approved with the following changes:

  • Item 5A Tenant Engagement System Refresh Approval – Deferred to a future Board meeting.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Macrae and carried, the Board approved the revised agenda.

Item 2B – Chair’s Poll Re: Conflict of Interest

The Chair requested members of the Board to indicate any agenda item in which they have a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest. No conflicts were declared.

Item 2C – Confirmation of Board of Directors’ Public Meeting Minutes of April 29, 2019

The Board had before it the draft public minutes for April 29, 2019.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board confirmed the above-captioned minutes without amendments.

Item 2D – Business Arising from the Public Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update of April 29, 2019

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Bailão, seconded by Councillor Fletcher and carried, the Board received the report for information with the following amendments:

Amend below as only partial of the request was completed.

Item 1: TCHC:2019-11 2019 Business Plan

Management will bring a report to a future Board meeting on targets, actions, outcomes and strategy to reduce arrears.

Target date: September 12, 2019.

Item 2E – Q1 2019 Revenue Contracts, TCHC:2019-20

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2019-20) from the Interim General Counsel & Corporate Secretary.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board received the report for information.

Item 2F – OCHE 2018 Work Plan Performance Results, TCHC:2019-21

Deputations by Catherine Wilkinson and Cheryl Duggan were received with respect to this item.

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2019-21) from the Commissioner of Housing Equity.

The Board and Management discussed the report. A brief discussion which including the following:

  • Similarity of OCHE’s role to Ombudsman’s role.
  • Unclear expectations of CHE.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board received the report for information.

Second Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE Councillor Bailão, seconded by Councillor Fletcher and carried, the Board of Directors approved the following proposed recommendation:

Direct TCHC staff, and staff of the OCHE, to report back to the Board in relation to all recommendations, in September, by the OCHE impact management process, the status of their implementation and what future action will be taken in order to implement those recommendations and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to confirm the identify the reasons that a referral to OCHE takes, on average 15 months, and, if so, the reasons that referrals are occurring at that time.

Item 2G – Q1 2019 OCHE Quarterly Update, TCHC:2019-22

Deputation by Catherine Wilkinson was received with respect to this item.

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2019-22) from the Commissioner of Housing Equity.

Ms. Summers answered questions raised by the Board. Points of discussion between the Board and Management included the following

  • Issues of tenants not being identified as vulnerable, which in turn means not getting required assistance or protection by OCHE.
  • OCHE’s mandate is senior tenants and vulnerable tenants.
  • OCHE advocate for tenants opposed to acting as a collection agency.
  • Issue of invisible vulnerability.
  • Total number of households in arrears is approximately 9,500.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board received the report for information.

Item 2H – Tenant Survey, TCHC:2019-24

Deputations by Catherine Wilkinson and Cheryl Duggan were received with respect to this item.

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2019-24) from the Manager, Strategic Planning.

Ms. Veits answered questions raised by the Board which including the following:

  • Methodology of the survey (34 question paper survey that took approximately 30 minutes to complete).
  • Exploring other ways to survey, including decreasing number of questions etc.
  • Effectiveness of survey;
  • Tenants more inclined to answer honestly with third party conducting survey.
  • Satisfaction difference between portfolios.
  • IPSOS acknowledged that response rate met the industry standard even though response rate lower than previous years.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board received this report for information.

Item 2I – Review of PAC Charter, TCHC: 2019-19R

Deputation by Cheryl Duggan was received with respect to this item.

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2019-19R) from the Interim General Counsel and Corporate Secretary.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Smith, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board unanimously approved the recommendations in this report.

Item 3A – April and May 2019 Performance Report – CEO’s Business Plan Update, TCHC:2019-25

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2019-25) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.

The following verbal deputations were received with respect to this report:

  1. Dena Rojas;
  2. Miguel Avila;
  3. Cheryl Duggan; and
  4. Shukri Abdul.

Mr. Marshman highlighted the implementation of actions against corporate goals and objectives of the 2019 Business plan, and other relevant matters that happened in April and May 2019. Projects identified as tracking behind include the following:

  • Contract Property Management (CPM) companies – Service Improvement;
  • Violence Reduction Program; and
  • Revision of Use of Space Agreements with Partners.

Mr. Marshman answered questions raised/concerns and accepted feedback from the Board.

The Board identified concerns on the 30% increase in arrears from May 2018-May 2019.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board received the report for information.

Second Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE Councillor Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board of Directors approved the following proposed recommendation:

The Board direct the President and CEO to report further to the Board on work performed to address pest control in 2018/Q1 2019 including:

  • the numbers of units treated as part of TCH’s pest control program;
  • the numbers of times that units are treated for as part of the pest control program; and
  • to incorporate unit occupancy by RGI and market rate status.

The Board direct the President and CEO to report in future reports to the Board in relation to unit occupancy by RGI and market rate status.

Item 3B – April and May 2019 Performance Report – CEO’s Operational Performance Measures, TCHC:2019-26

Deputations by Catherine Wilkinson and Cheryl Duggan were received with respect to this item.

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2019-26) from the President and Chief Executive Officer.

Mr. Marshman provided high-level performance information on key areas of TCHC’s operations. Areas included the following:

  • Arrears: TCHC Portfolio;
  • Arrears: Senior Housing Unit Portfolio;
  • Community Safety (initiating a report on proxy for crimes against property);
  • Tenant Support (metric providing visibility and awareness); and
  • Operations:
    1. number of emergency calls;
    2. number of elevator calls; and
    3. iii. number of elevator service requests.

Mr. Marshman answered questions raised/concerns and accepted feedback from the Board.

Lastly, Mr. Marshman advised the Board that pest control isn’t currently reported however will be expanding on this.

Motion carried

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Bailão and carried, the Board received the report for information.

Item 4 – Governance, Communications, Human Resources Committee (GCHRC), Chair’s Report

No comments or remarks were received at this time.

Item 5 – Tenant Services Committee (“TSC”), Chair’s Report

No comments or remarks from the Chair of TSC were received at this time.

Item 5A – Tenant Engagement System – Refresh Approval, TCHC:2019-15

This item was deferred due to loss of quorum.

Item 6 – Building Investment, Finance and Audit Committee (“BIFAC”), Chair’s Report

No comments or remarks were received at this time.


The public meeting terminated at 12:34 p.m.

Meeting contact

Sonia Fung

Committee Secretary