
Board of Directors Meeting - July 28, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Ground Floor Boardroom
931 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M4W 2H2

Event description

Archived meeting. See Agenda and Minutes below.


Consent Public Agenda

The Consent Agenda items listed on the Consent Closed Agenda will require a resolution of the Board but are not scheduled for a full discussion at the Board meeting. The Board Chair will ask for approval of the following Consent Agenda items. Board members must indicate if they wish to request to discuss the Item, question the Item or register a vote against the Item. If an Item is removed from the Consent Agenda, it will be discussed at the end of the meeting.

1. Confirmation of Board of Directors’ Public Meeting Minutes of June 8, 2015

Recommendation: Resolution to confirm the Public Minutes

Pre-read: Minutes

2. Business Arising from the Public Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update

Recommendation: Resolution to receive for information

Pre-read: Action Item List

Public Meeting Agenda Items

3. Chair’s Remarks

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report

Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors

4. Approval of Agenda and Review of Agenda Order

Action: Approval

Pre-read: Agenda

Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors

5. Chair’s Poll re: Conflict of Interest

Action: Declaration

Pre-read: Agenda and Conflict of Interest Policy

Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors

6. Interim President and Chief Executive Officer’s Remarks

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report

Presenter: Interim President and Chief Executive Officer


Presentation from Mr. Rob Cressman and Mr. Ian Smith on the Service Manager Assessment

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report

Presenter: Mr. Rob Cressman, Director of Social Housing, City of Toronto Mr. Ian Smith, OCG

Report from Management:

7. Service Manager Assessment

Action: Approval

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-38

Presenter: Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations

8. Status Report on 60 Day Action Plans – Mayor’s TCHC Task Force Report

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report

Presenter: Interim President and Chief Executive Officer

8A. Letter from Senator Eggleton dated July 21, 2015

Action: Information

Pre-read: Discussion

Presenter: Interim President and Chief Executive Officer

Reports from Governance, Communications, Human Resources and Compensation Committee (GCHRCC):

9. GCHRCC Chair’s Report

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report

Presenter: Chair, GCHRCC

10. Accessibility Policy

Action: Approval

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-37

Presenter: Chair, GCHRCC

Reports from Building Investment, Finance and Audit Committee (BIFAC):

11. BIFAC Chair’s Report

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report

Presenter: Chair, BIFAC

12. Stand-Alone Properties Sales and Relocation Update

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-39

Presenter: Chair, BIFAC

13. Report on Section 37 Funds

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-40

Presenter: Chair, BIFAC

14. OCHE – Quarterly Performance Report (Q1 2015)

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-41

Presenter: Commissioner of Housing Equity

15. OCHE Staffing Request

Action: Approval

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-42

Presenter: Commissioner of Housing Equity

Reports from Resident Services Committee (RSC):

16. RSC Chair’s Report

Action: Information

Pre-read: Verbal Report

Presenter: Chair, RSC

Report from OCHE:

17. Status Report – OCHE Brokered Local Repayment Agreements

Action: Information

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-43

Presenter: Commissioner of Housing Equity and VP, Asset Management

Supplemental Reports from Management:

18. Shareholder Decision re: Commissioner of Housing Equity’s Terms of Reference

Action: Approval

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-45

Presenter: Chair, Board of Directors

19. Shareholder Decision re: Annual Information and Other Matters

Action: Approval

Pre-read: TCHC:2015-44

Presenter: Interim President and Chief Executive Officer



The Board of Directors of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) held a public meeting on July 28, 2015 at 11:49 a.m. in in the Main Floor Conference Room at 931 Yonge Street, Toronto and via teleconference. 

Directors in Attendance: 

Bud Purves (Chair) 

Christian Buhagiar 

Robert Carlo 

Councillor Raymond Cho (left at 1:59 p.m.) 

Councillor Joe Cressy (left at 1:36 p.m.) 

Councillor Frank Di Giorgio 

Brian Kwan  

Karen Newman (via teleconference – left at 12:43 p.m.) 

Catherine Wilkinson 

Directors Absent: 

Councillor Ana Bailão 

Audrey Wubbenhorst 

Management present: 

Marta Asturi, Legal Counsel & Assistant Corporate Secretary 

Lenna Bradburn, Vice President, Resident and Community Services 

Jason Gorel, Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer 

Ismail Ibrahim, Director of Compliance and Legal Counsel 

Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning and Stakeholder  Relations 

Graham Leah, Vice President, Asset Management 

Sheila Penny, Vice President, Facilities Management 

Liz Reid, Vice President, Information and Technology Services 

Greg Spearn, Interim President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/ Chief Development Officer  

Cynthia Summers, Commissioner of Housing Equity 

Michael Vear, Chief Internal Auditor 


Mr. Rob Cressman, Director of Social Housing, City of Toronto 

Mr. Ian Smith, OCG Strategy & Organization Consulting 

A quorum being present, the Chair called the meeting to order and Ms. Charmaine Zina served as recording secretary.

Item 4 - Approval of Consent Public Agenda Items and Review of Public Agenda Order

The agenda was approved with the following changes: 

  • Item 1, 2, 14, 17, 18 & 19 – Deferred to the next Board meeting due to loss of quorum. 

The following agenda items were not held for discussion: 

  • Items 12 and 13. 

Motion carried 

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Cressy, seconded by Ms. Wilkinson and carried, the Board of Directors approved the revised public agenda and the public agenda items not held for discussion (Items 12 and 13). 

Item 1 - Confirmation of Board of Directors' Public Meeting Minutes for June 8, 2015

This item was deferred to the next Board meeting due to loss of quorum.  

Item 2 - Business Arising from the Public Meeting Minutes and Action Items Update

This item was deferred to the next Board meeting due to loss of quorum.  


The Chair polled for any deputations to be heard at the meeting. 

The following deputations were presented: 

Item 8 – Status Report on 60 Day Action Plans – Major’s TCHC Task Force Report (Deputed by Susan Gapka, Miguel Avila and John MacLeod); and 

Item 10 – Accessibility Policy.  (Deputed by Cathy Birch). 

Item 5 - Chair's Poll re: Conflict of Interest

The Chair requested members of the Board of Directors to indicate any agenda item in which they have a conflict of interest, together with the nature of the interest.  No conflicts were declared. 

Item 3 - Chair's Remarks

The Chair welcomed everyone to today’s Board meeting. The Chair notified the Board that Ms. Pamela Spencer will be leaving TCHC early next month to take on a new position and thanked her for her outstanding service to the corporation. 

The Chair acknowledged two guests attending today’s Board meeting: 

  • Mr. Rob Cressman, Director of Social Housing for the City of Toronto who will be presenting the Service Manager Assessment; and 
  • Mr. Ian Smith from OCG Strategy & Organization Consulting (OCG), who will also be presenting the Service Manager Assessment. 

The Chair reported that the following motions were carried during the closed sessions of this morning’s meeting: 

  • Three pilot communities were selected under the ReSet Capital Renewal and Community Transformation Strategy, the cost of which is contained within the 10-Year Capital Repair Plan. In the coming weeks, staff will first be meeting with the communities selected and then we will officially announce the three communities. 
  • Also approved were updates to the Procurement Procedure to Support Vendor Interactions with TCHC to adjust the procurement thresholds and improve the ability of the Strategic Procurement unit to award contracts to vendors in a timely manner.  
  • Staff were authorized to proceed with the remaining two market projects in Regent Park Phase 2 (this is in Block 21). 
  • Contract award for Annual Grounds Maintenance and Snow Clearing. 
  • Contract award for Demand Electrical Maintenance Services. 

Earlier this month, our Internal Auditor, Mr. Michael Vear began the process of looking into and ensuring that all proper procurement processes were followed with respect to the recent catch-up work on deferred maintenance, code compliance, and renovation work that was done at 931 Yonge Street late in 2014 and early in 2015. The Chair asked Mr. Vear to come forward and provide a status report on the above-mentioned review. Mr. Vear advised the Board that the review is currently in progress and he will report back to the Board at the next Board meeting. 

Presentation: Presentation from Mr. Rob Cressman and Mr. Ian Smith on the Service Manager Assessment

Mr. Rob Cressman and Mr. Ian Smith`s presentation was on the findings of the Service Manager Assessment (the Assessment) of TCHC.  This type of Assessment is provided to all Housing providers however, has never been conducted for TCHC in the past.  This Assessment was carried out in collaboration by OSG with the City in its capacity as Service Manager (SM) and with TCHC which began last summer. 

Mr. Cressman advised the Board that the report does not identify any compliance issues. 

TCHC, as currently organized and managed, is moving in the right direction in terms of its focus, priorities and operations.  The corporation has various strengths it can build on, such as staff dedication and commitment and a history of tenant engagement, to better serve its tenants.  However, there are issues and challenges that need to be addressed if TCHC is to efficiently and effectively meet its service expectations and requirements. 

The Assessment considered four specific areas: (1) Mandate; (2) Relationship with City; (3) Organizational Capacity; and (4) Organizational Resource.  In addition, a detailed review of TCHC’s strategic planning process and the Asset Management and Resident & Community Services division. 

  1. Mandate Issue: a broad permissive mandate is clearly set out in the Shareholder Direction but TCHC has been increasingly challenged to address priorities consistent with its mandate and other informal directions that go beyond its defined functions as a social housing landlord and is not adequately resourced. 
    1. Recommendation: The broad permissive mandate requires that TCHC set clear priorities. TCHC should engage the City as Shareholder and SM in a process to establish and agree on clear priorities, service expectations and funding required to deliver on the defined mandate. 
  2. Relationship with the City: there’s a lack of attention to the management of the relationship between the City and TCHC which leads to confusion and limited collaboration on shared City/TCHC issues and interests. 
    1. Recommendation: The City should coordinate as Shareholder and SM and confirm its expectations of TCHC as part of an effort to more actively manage the relationship. In addition, TCHC needs to communicate the conditions it considers important for a successful and strong relationship. TCHC and the City as SM should continue to proactively identify opportunities for partnerships and collaborations, especially in areas that may reduce costs or benefit tenants. 
  3. Organizational Capacity: TCHC doesn’t have sufficient organizational capacity and resources to deliver on the permissive mandate and expectations defined in the Operating Agreement and Shareholder Direction. 
    1. Organizational Structure Recommendation: TCHC doesn’t have sufficient capacity to deliver on both mandate and expectations. TCHC should confirm and communicate Corporate and Division roles and responsibilities and ensure that any organizational future changes are aligned with the overall corporate structure. In addition, consider consolidating similar administrative and/or operating functions to reduce the span of control of the CEO to allow greater focus on key strategic priorities and stakeholder relationships.   
    2. Organizational Resources Recommendation: TCHC should conduct a detailed review of existing services and service levels (going forward), including the descriptions of core and non-core services and to confirm the resourcing and funding requirements to deliver the approved services. Moreover, to develop HR policies, processes and systems that enable the timely filling of vacant positions. This should allow for succession planning, staff development and performance management systems with a particular focus on the key operating areas. 
  4. The General Manager of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with TCHC will lead a process to address recommendations that relate to the City’s role as Shareholder and SM. 


Motion carried 

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Buhagiar, seconded by Councillor Cressy and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the following motion in the presentation: 

That the Board of Directors authorize the President and CEO, and TCHC staff, to work jointly and collaboratively with the City of Toronto on reviewing and developing action plans to implement the recommendations of the Mayor's Task Force and the Service Manager Assessment, ensuring an integrated approach where appropriate. 

Item 7 - Service Manager Assessment, TCHC:2014-38

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2014-38) from the Director, Strategic Planning & Stakeholder Relations.

The Board and Management briefly discussed the report. 

Motion carried 

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Buhagiar, seconded by Councillor Cressy and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in this report with the following amendments: 

  1. Direct management to report back no later than the October 2015 Board meeting to the Board of Directors on the feasibility of implementing the recommendations in light of the Service Manager Assessment and the Major’s Task Force report that are directed to Toronto Community Housing, taking into consideration financial and employee resources and the strategic goals and objectives of the company. 
  2. Review and consider recommendations 18 and 19 in light of the Service Manager Assessment and the Major’s Task Force report to the Governance, Communication, Human Resources & Compensation Committee, which are about Board decisions and processes. 
  3. Direct management to report back no later than the October 2015 Board meeting on the implementation plans developed in collaboration with the Service Manager and Shareholder. 

Deletion of: 

  1. Authorize the President and CEO (or designate) to work with the Service Manager to establish a collaborative approach to reviewing and implementing the recommendations in the Service Manager Assessment. 

Item 6 - Interim President and Chief Executive Officer's Remarks

Mr. Spearn reported on a few areas of work with some great metrics that show where TCHC is headed and the volume of work TCHC is managing: 

2015 Performance

  • Overall delivery of the 2015 Capital Improvement Program exceeded the $41 million second quarter target by 14 per cent with $46.8 million in work completed to the end of the second quarter. 
  • The Development division delivered a total of 532 units including 118 new rental units and 414 market condominium units, more than double last quarter. 
  • Since December 2014, 13 communities have been engaged in planning for new Section 37 projects. 
  • The average speed of answer in our call centre has continued its impressive improvements – the average speed of calls answered in Q2 was 2:06 with an abandonment rate of 16 per cent - compare that to our February results when the speed of answer was 6:17 and abandonment rate was 32 per cent.  
  • On the staffing side, I’m thrilled that 40 new cleaners started orientation yesterday, and we are in the process of recruiting 40 more to start by the end of August. 

Update on the Mayor’s Task Force 

The Interim Report of the Mayor’s Task Force was submitted to Mayor Tory on July 15. The report called for TCHC to report back within 60 days with action plans to address how the corporation intends to address the seven recommendations contained in the report.   

This report focuses on priority areas, including increasing safety and security, improving building conditions, providing more jobs and opportunities for residents, and finding the financing to continue urgently-needed capital repairs.

Mr. Spearn stated how work on these action plans has become the main focus of staff and that staff resources have been reallocated for TCHC to be able to make this a priority. As a result, this means that some other work has been postponed and will be rescheduled after the action plans are completed.

Housing at Risk

Mr. Spearn advised that he received a letter from Ombudsman Fiona Crean in response to TCHC's final report about implementing the 30 recommendations from the Housing at Risk report from June 2013. Ms. Crean indicated in her letter that she is satisfied with the work we completed and she considers the matter closed. 

Summer Program

  • Rookie League: On July 8, the summer baseball season kicked off with the start of Rookie League's 27th season. Approximately, 1,250 children from over 50 TCHC’s communities came together at Stan Wadlow Park in East York to play, learn and enjoy the game of baseball.  Each summer, Jays Care Foundation, in partnership with TCHC, runs Rookie League - a safe, fun, active and engaging summer-long baseball day camp for kids ages 6 to 12. Rookie League also helps connect youth with employment and leadership opportunities.  
  • Journeys to Success: This year’s Journeys to Success program has expanded to provide programming for male residents. The goal is for resident participants to walk away with improved communication skills, a larger network, and the inspiration they need to become, or continue being, positive role models in their communities.  
  • YouthWorx: Over 500 youth residents were interviewed and over 100 were hired, through our YouthWorx program for small-scale labour jobs in our communities (i.e. light repair jobs; community gardening; and painting). They are now in week three of the seven-week program.  
  • KickStart: It's the fourth year of the KickStart program, in partnership with MLSE, which will begin on August 20 and runs for eight weeks. KickStart brings over 300 children (aged 6 to 12) from 15 communities together to teach them soccer skills while also providing them with valuable self-esteem, fair play and leadership lessons.  

Participatory Budgeting

This year’s Participatory Budgeting (PB) process is well underway in all of our communities across the City. With the help of staff, residents are meeting up throughout the summer to choose projects that will benefit all residents. Thus far there have been over 30 meetings, and a total of 100 meetings will have taken place by the end of the summer. Representatives of each community will have opportunities to vote on which projects get funding at allocation meetings later in September. This year, the total PB budget for all buildings and communities is $8 million.  

Interactive Online Report

Lastly, TCHC’s pleased to present an interactive online report for our website that will let the public follow the progress of our 10-year capital repair program in a more robust way, as we continue to make capital repairs across the portfolio. 

This report includes: 

  • The total number of repair projects completed since the 10-year plan got underway at the beginning of 2013; 
  • An overview of the number of projects completed, planned and in progress this year; and 
  • Maps showing where work has been completed, is underway, or is planned. 

This report will go live on our website at the beginning of August and will be updated automatically each month to show our progress through this plan. This 10-year capital plan is truly our corporation at work and this page is one more piece of our commitment to be transparent and accountable with how the dollars are spent. 

Item 8 - Status Report on 60 Day Action Plans – Mayor's TCHC Task Force Report

Mr. Spearn advised the Board that TCHC’s Executive Leadership Team are making the above-mentioned matter a priority. Furthermore, a Board meeting will be scheduled for the first week in September to discuss this matter in further detail and give a status update regarding progress on this matter. 

The Board resolved to receive this item for information. 

Item 8A - Letter from Senator Eggleton Dated July 21, 2015

The Board resolved to receive this item for information.  

Item 9 - Governance, Communications, Human Resources and Compensation Committee (GCHRCC) Chair's Report

No comments or remarks from the Chair of GCHRCC were received at this time.  

Item 10 - Accessibility Policy, TCHC:2015-37

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC: 2015-37) from the GCHRCC Chair.

The Board and Management discussed the report. 

Motion carried 

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Mr. Buhagiar, seconded by Councillor Di Giorgio and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in this report and directed Management to report back to the Board on progress of training on the Accessibility Policy. 

Action Item:

Management to report back to the Board on progress of training on the Accessibility Policy. 

Item 11 - Building Investment, Finance and Audit Committee (BIFAC) Chair's Report

No comments or remarks from the Chair of BIFAC were received at this time.  

Item 12 - Stand-alone Properties Sales and Relocation Update, TCHC:2015-39 

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2015-39) from the BIFAC Chair.

Motion carried 

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Cressy, seconded by Ms. Wilkinson and carried, the Board of Directors received the report for information. 

Item 13 - Report on Section 37 Funds, TCHC:2015-40 

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2015-40) from the BIFAC Chair.   

Motion carried 

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Cressy, seconded by Ms. Wilkinson and carried, the Board of Directors received the report for information. 

Item 14 - OCHE – Quarterly Performance Report (Q1 2015), TCHC:2015-41 

This item was deferred to the next Board meeting due to loss of quorum.  

Item 15 - OCHE Staffing Request, TCHC:2015-42 

The Board had before it the above-captioned report (TCHC:2015-42) from the Commissioner of Housing Equity.

The Board and Management discussed the report. 

Motion carried 

ON MOTION DULY MADE by Councillor Di Giorgio, seconded by Ms. Wilkinson and carried, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the recommendations in this report and directed Ms. Summers to report back to the Board on potential savings in OCHE quarterly reports. 

Action Item:

Ms. Summers to report back to the Board on potential savings in OCHE quarterly reports. 

Item 16 - Resident Services Committee (RSC) Chair's Report

The RSC Chair was not present therefore this item was deferred to the next Board meeting.  

Item 17 - Status Report - OCHE Brokered Local Repayment Agreements, TCHC:2015-43 

This item was deferred to the next Board meeting due to loss of quorum.  

Item 18 - Shareholder Decision re: Commissioner of Housing Equity's Terms of Reference, TCHC:2015-45 

This item was deferred to the next Board meeting due to loss of quorum.  

Item 19 - Shareholder Decision re: Annual Information and Other Matters, TCHC:2014-44 

This item was deferred to the next Board meeting due to loss of quorum.


The Board resolved to terminate the public meeting at 2:09 p.m. 

Sonia Fung

Committee Secretary